Preparing for a newborn shoot


Newborn portraits are ideally taken within the first 2 weeks. This is for two reason: (1) babies typically sleep longer and deeper during this time, which makes the shoot a dream, and (2) they grow so quick; being able to capture them in their tiniest form is truly special. 

By the third and forth week, babies are already staying awake longer and fighting sleep. At that point, it is likely to become more difficult to get the shots you're hoping for! 

I realize it's hard to know the exact date your baby will come, unless you have a scheduled c-section. So, to account for the surprise of it all—I leave extra time around the expected due date to schedule your session. After the initial phone calls and texts go out to family and friends announcing your newborn, give me a call and I'll make sure to get you on the calendar! 


Babies feel most comfortable in their own setting—your home. To ensure that the shoot is a success, please make sure your house is warm; this will eliminate chances of your baby waking up. There's nothing worse than a cold draft on a sleeping baby. 

Plan on feeding your baby right before the shoot starts. Warm and well fed babies will sleep better. There's a good chance your baby will wake up in the middle of it all, and want to eat—that's no problem! The baby calls the shots.   


Timing will vary depending on how young the baby is, and how well they sleep, but typically, you can plan on 2 hours. If your baby sleeps right away, it might not take as long, and conversely, if your baby takes longer to fall asleep, it might be a longer shoot. Many parents start to feel worried if their baby is slow to sleep or fussy, etc., but know that I will be patient with your baby, and will stay as long as it takes to get the images.


I always encourage clients to personalize the shoot with their own items: special blanket, hat, booties, diaper covers, or family heirlooms. Anything that has meaning to you is a great option. 

Additionally, if your baby has dry skin: please keep their lotion at hand. Avoid tight socks and diapers prior to the shoot, as they will often leave red lines of imprints.

If you have any more questions, give me a shout!