
Among my most treasured possessions are photographs; I love being able to look back and remember. My earliest experiences with photography involved sneaking out into the back field, early morning, to photograph horses in dawn light. I hardly knew what I was doing, but I knew what I was after: simplicity and beauty. I think those mornings were formative to what I still look for in a photograph and what I want in life. My husband calls me his "little hippie" because I have a bad case of nostalgia for the 70s, love walking around barefoot, and am always concerned about recycling. He'll also tell you I've never met a stranger: one of my favorite things is to connect with people wherever I am, whether in line at a grocery store or sitting on an airplane.

My first photography job was working as a photojournalist for my University's newspaper, and I spent subsequent years as a Public Relations photographer. In many ways, this provided me invaluable insight into both realms. For the last 10 years, I've melded these two approaches in my wedding* and portrait photography. There's nothing I want more than to deliver photographs that showcase your best self while telling the story of your love and your life—the kind of images that will help you remember.


*If you're a photographer looking for a second shooter, you can view my portfolio here.